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Risk Assessments
Substance Group: Sodium Sulphate > executive summary

The member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) systematically investigate High Production Volume (HPV) chemicals in order to determine the need for further work on these chemicals. The set of minimum data elements that must be available to draw recommendations is known as the Screening Information Data Set or SIDS. A SIDS Initial Assessment Report (SIAR) for sodium sulfate was presented at SIDS Initial Assessment Meeting (SIAM) 20 in April 2005 and its status was determined to be currently of low priority for further work

HERA is determined to avoid any duplication of effort and to discourage effort for the sake of only marginal improvements. However, HERA believes that HERA Risk Assessments should be carried out where significant additional risk information can be obtained, and where a refinement of the existing assessments would yield new or significantly different conclusions in particular for the detergent use scenario. A decision which option should be selected has to be taken on a case by case basis. In this case, a brief summary of the SIDS dossier has been the preferred option, complemented by an environmental exposure assessment. Any unreferenced statements in this HERA document originate from the full OECD SIDS dossier, which should be checked for references.

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