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Risk Assessments
"The following risk assessments have been conducted according to the principles of the HERA methodology document (pdf document)."

Substance:Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)
CAS numbers:
Risk Assessment Status Publish Date R.A.
Full (PDF) 480 Kb Final Full Executive summary 04/07/2003
HERA Comments
STPPHERAeutrophicationnote2003.pdf 116 Kb 
STPP and Eutrophication
This targeted environmental risk assessment of STPP addresses the issues of toxic effects to biota in the environmental compartments. An additional environmental issue concerning phosphates in general, and therefore also STPP, is their role in the nutrient enrichment of surface waters (eutrophication).
As shown in this report, STPP is hydrolysed ultimately to soluble inorganic phosphate (orthophosphate PO4-) or transformed to insoluble inorganic forms. These are the same phosphates as those formed by natural hydrolysis of human urine and faeces, animal wastes, food and organic wastes, mineral fertilisers, bacterial recycling of organic materials in ecosystems, etc.

[Factors involved to be consulted : read the attachement enclosed]